On the highways of California, accidents occur daily that can cause turmoil in the lives of those that are injured in the accident and the families of accident victims. Every year, there are 2.5 million individuals that do not return home as expected because of a car crash. Many of these accidents occur as the result of another driver’s negligence. It is important for those that are injured due to another’s negligence to understand that they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.
The family of some that were injured in a recent California car accident may be in a situation that has left them evaluating their options for compensation. A family of four was headed to the San Francisco airport when they ended up in an unexpected accident that fatally injured three of the four in the vehicle.
While the family was headed to the airport, their car got a flat tire. After the driver of the vehicle pulled onto the median, an SUV slammed into the rear of the vehicle. The impact killed three of the four individuals in the vehicle with the flat tire.
According to authorities, the driver of the SUV was traveling at a high speed at the time of the impact. He was taken to the hospital for treatment of his injuries. The full details of the accident have not been released, and some aspects of the crash are still under investigation.
Those that have experienced injuries in a car accident, due to the actions of a negligent driver, may be entitled to compensation. In addition, in the very unfortunate situations that involve fatal injuries to one or more individuals, those individuals’ families may be able to recover compensation. Depending upon the nature of the accident, this compensation may cover medical expenses, lost wages, death expenses and pain and suffering.
Source: KTVU, “Flat tire on I-280 led to triple fatal crash near Redwood City,” Dec. 17, 2012.