When people in Los Angeles think of a wrongful death case, their first thought might be about a fatal car accident or other tragic fatal accident that unnecessarily takes the life of Californian prematurely. What people might not think of, however, is how often...

Month: November 2017
Girl dies, others injured after man slams in to taco stand
A girl from the Los Angeles area has died after a car hit her and two other people who were standing near a taco stand. The girl was 11 years old.Police have filed vehicular manslaughter charges against the driver of the vehicle that struck the taco stand. The...
How drugs get approved pulled
As a recent post explained, our law office represents California residents who have been victims of dangerous drugs and had to suffer through very serious and potentially fatal side effects. Specifically, we help victims file products liability or medical malpractice...
Helping Los Angeles area victim of dangerous drugs
As part of its wrongful death and personal injury practice, our law office represents victims of dangerous prescription drugs and treatments. California residents, after all, have the right to expect that the drugs that are on the shelves of this state's pharmacies...
New report shows Baby Boomer motorcyclists at risk
The Baby Boomer generation that first thought of motorcycles as something cool as opposed to a sign of criminal activity and to a large extent mainstreamed motorcycle riding are now seeing a spike in the number of injuries and deaths related to motorcycle...

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Killackey Law Offices, APC
200 South Garfield Avenue
Suite 108
Alhambra, CA 91801
Toll Free: 800-515-2183
Phone: 626-999-0735
Alhambra Law Office