Having a loved one or close friend killed or injured in a traffic accident is a heart-rending experience under any circumstances, but when the driver of the offending vehicle leaves the scene, the tragedy can be compounded.Los Angeles experiences approximately 20,000...
Month: March 2015
Driver’s cell phone provides clue that determines accident cause
The cause of a traffic accident in which three small children were killed should be a warning to every Californian who insists on keeping tabs on social media while driving. Police were unable to determine the cause of the car crash when it occurred, but investigators...
Driver fatigue probable cause for truck, school bus collision
An especially frightening collision between a school bus and a truck demonstrates again the acute hazard posed by truck driver fatigue. No one can estimate the percentage of truck drivers on California freeways and highways who are driving while seriously sleep...
What is “negligence?”
"Negligence" is the foundation of almost every lawsuit seeking damages for physical injuries caused by an auto accident or motor cycle accident. Most people are aware of the legal principle that a person is responsible for injuries caused by his or her negligence. But...
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Suite 108
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Alhambra Law Office