One man is dead and a woman is seriously injured after a driver ran a red light in San Diego. The accident occurred shortly before 11:00 in the morning and involved at least four vehicles. According to police, the fatal accident occurred when a westbound vehicle ran a red light at an intersection and struck two southbound vehicles that were both turning to go east. This initial collision led to some chain reaction collisions.
The driver of one of the cars that was struck in the initial impact, an elderly man, was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident despite medics’ efforts to revive him. His female passenger suffered serious injuries and remains in the hospital for treatment. The other drivers and passengers involved suffered minor injuries.
The driver that ran the red light has been taken into custody by authorities. She has been booked for suspicion of felony DUI and manslaughter. In addition to the criminal charges, she may be facing civil lawsuits from those who were injured and from the family of the man who was killed.
When a family loses a loved one in a fatal car crash, they may be entitled to compensation. If the death was caused by another person’s negligence, the family can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent party. The most common types of compensation are medical and funeral expenses, loss of support and loss of companionship.
The aftermath of a serious car accident can be very confusing and stressful for those involved and their loved ones. A personal injury attorney can sift through the evidence, answer a family’s questions, and work to recover the maximum damages possible.
Source: ABC 10 News, “Former professor, author arrested in connection with University City crash,” Michael Chen, Oct. 23, 2013