While police officials are often some of the safest and law-abiding officials, they are not completely protected from accidents. Such an accident occurred on California’s Highway 680 recently. A California Highway Patrol officer was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident when he was thrown from his motorcycle after being struck by another vehicle. His injuries are serious but he is expected to recover.
According to reports, the accident happened around 5:20 pm near the intersection of Canyon Road on CA Highway 680. A Honda Civic and a Ford minivan in the roadway’s carpool vehicle lane collided and the officer, who was unable to avoid them, crashed into the minivan. He was thrown from his motorcycle in the road next to the median. He was airlifted to a nearby hospital but is expected to recover.
In lieu of the accident, the CHP made a statement addressing all drivers. The CHP reminded drivers to be attentive to their surroundings while driving. This should eliminate distractions. It’s also important to always check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes or turning. The investigation into the crash is ongoing, charges have yet to be filed. One or both drivers could face charges related to negligent driving.
While accidents cannot always be avoided; they can be prevented. The CHP made some great recommendations about how accidents could be avoided in the future. The motorcyclist was lucky to have left the highway with his life that day. The accident investigation is currently open and authorities are investigating all angles and evidence.
Source: sanfransisco.cbslocal.com, “CHP Motorcycle Officer Injured In Crash On I-680 Remains Hospitalized, Expected To Recover,” Nov. 7, 2014