Personal injury lawyers in California occasionally get a phone call or e-mail asking if a case is “too small;” that is, would an attorney be interested in a case with apparently slight injuries? The answer to the question can be surprisingly complex, because each case is unique and cannot be properly evaluated until all of the relevant facts have been gathered and reviewed.
The lawyers at Killackey Law Offices in Alhambra are experienced at evaluating injury cases arising out of truck and automobile accidents; they also know how to aggressively pursue a case to obtain the best possible result for the client. A case cannot be properly valued until an experienced lawyer has interviewed the victim and witnesses, reviewed medical records, and explored the long-term impact of the injuries on the victim’s lives. A knowledgeable attorney will also use his or her experience in other cases to determine the likely amount of damages that can be recovered.
The value of a case depends upon the seriousness of the injuries, medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering. Killackey attorneys have worked closely with their clients to fully understand the facts of the accidents, the nature of the medical symptoms and injuries and their financial impact. This process requires collecting complete medical and employment records, having the records reviewed by other professionals, if necessary, and working with the client to establish a plan for maximizing the potential recovery.
After going through this process, “small” cases can become “large” cases. For example, a seemingly small injury may prove to be permanent and disabling. The long term loss of income resulting from the disability might easily run into six figures. Anyone with questions about pursuing a claim for injuries received in an automobile, truck or motorcycle accident in California is invited to follow the above link to our website.