Hit-and-run accidents can cause unusually sharp emotional pain for the survivors because the identity of the responsible person may never be known. Also, the inability to identify the driver can prevent the recovery of damages. A recent hit-and-run car accident in Santa Ana had a more positive outcome thanks to quick work by local police.
According to reports, police and fire fighters were summoned to investigate the body of a male pedestrian lying in the roadway on South Fairview Street. Investigators concluded that he had been struck by a southbound vehicle while he was walking across Fairview Street. The man was declared dead at the scene.
Police said that three suspects were arrested shortly after the accident. A man was arrested and charged with felony hit-and-run, driving with a suspended driver’s license, and a probation violation. Police also arrested two female relatives of the alleged driver, and they were charged with accessory to a felony and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Police did not disclose how they were able to identify the driver, but a Santa Ana officer stated that police had found a vehicle with damage consistent with the accident.
The outcome of this case cannot be predicted at this time, but at least the dead man’s survivors will know who is responsible for their loved one’s death and may be able to successfully bring a claim for wrongful death damages. Anyone who has lost a loved one in similar circumstances may wish to consult a lawyer who specializes in such cases to determine whether a claim for damages is worth pursuing.
Source: Orange County Register, “Three arrested in connection with Santa Ana fatal hit and run,” Louis Casiano, Jan. 25, 2016
Post Type:
Anchor Text: car accident
Keywords: hit and run, damages
Primary Target URL: /personal-injury/auto-accidents/
Additional Resources: Orange County Register, “Driver charged in fatal hit-run in Santa Ana,” city News Service, Jan. 27, 2016
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