It is not uncommon to see motorcycles on the roads of California. But, although thousands of people enjoy riding motorcycles, there are some common risks that motorcyclists should be aware of because there are also hundreds of motorcycle accidents in California each year.
For starters, it is important for motorcyclists to understand that because they are riding a smaller vehicle than a passenger car, other drivers on the roads may have difficulty seeing them, even when they are following every rule of the road. Motorists are supposed to be paying attention as they operate their vehicles, but distracted driving is extremely common. This can make it even more difficult for a driver to see a motorcycle on the road and react appropriately, especially at intersections.
Along with the chance that a motorist might not see a motorcyclist is the chance that a motorist will violate the motorcyclist’s right of way. The difference between motorcycles and passenger cars doesn’t matter in this respect – both have the same right of way guarantees on the road.
Lastly, there is always the chance that it isn’t another driver that causes a motorcycle accident, but a defect with the motorcycle itself. Our readers are probably familiar with the fact that thousands of automotive recalls happen every year to address potentially dangerous defects on motor vehicles. Motorcycles are not immune to this issue, which may mean that the manufacturer of the motorcycle may be at fault if an accident is caused by a defect on the motorcycle.