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What happens when a truck jackknifes on the freeway?

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Truck Accidents

There are many types of accidents involving semitrucks that can harm or even kill drivers and their passengers. But one of the deadliest accidents you can encounter is a semitruck jackknifing

Below is some important information about this type of accident.

What causes a truck to jackknife?

There are several reasons, including road conditions, that can cause a semitruck to jackknife on the freeway. They include:

  • Slamming on the brakes – When you’re following one of those big rigs on the road, you can’t see what’s going on ahead on the freeway because the truck blocks your view. If the driver steps hard on the brake to avoid a problem, the trailer can swing wide across multiple lanes of traffic, jeopardizing all occupants in nearby vehicles.
  • Malfunctioning brakes or coupling – Even if a trucker is driving responsibly, if his brakes fail suddenly, disaster can occur. In these cases, the parts manufacturer could bear liability for the collision and injuries. If the coupling breaks, the truck driver no longer has control over the trailer.
  • Unsecured cargo – The driver is responsible for securing the cargo in the trailer. Some drivers may sub out the loading to day workers, but it is the one driving the rig who must determine that the cargo was loaded safely with the weight evenly distributed. Sudden shifts of cargo can cause a jackknife accident.

Weather, too, plays a role in some jackknife accidents, and while no driver can control the weather, they can control their driving response to the conditions.

How prevalent are these accidents?

Data provided by the National Safety Council indicates that there has been an uptick in the number of jackknife truck incidents. Since these accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and even deaths, learning more about California’s personal injury laws can help inform your decision about moving forward.

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