Thousands of drivers travel the roads of California day in and day out. Although it is a daily activity, unfortunately there are constantly risks on the road that provide the potential for a car accident. Even more serious is when the accident involves a tanker or big rig. Truck accidents have the potential to have some of the most serious, and sometimes fatal, outcomes of any accident that takes place on the roads.
Recently, a multi-vehicle accident that occurred on a California freeway involved two semis and a Mini Cooper. The cause of the accident is still being investigated, however, one of the semis came to rest on top of the Mini Cooper. Thankfully, no one was hurt. The severity of the outcome was limited to property damage, some diesel fuel spilling from both trucks and an extended backup in traffic.
Unfortunately, not all collisions involving trucks turn out this way. Accidents involving commercial motor vehicles have an added element of complexity. This is because there are federal trucking regulations that apply to these vehicles and not to other vehicles on the road. These regulations hold truck drivers and their employers to a higher standard of care than other vehicles and their drivers.
This added level of complexity makes getting the right information even more necessary after a truck accident. Usually, the trucking company involved will immediately take action on tasks that must be completed in order to limit their liability. They will hire an attorney, start working with their insurance companies and investigate and analyze the accident scene.
When an injury does result from these types of acc idents and there is a negligent truck driver who caused the accident, the other injured parties can often receive compensation to cover some of the hardships that arise as a result of the accident. No matter what the circumstances surrounding the collision, it is important for the injured parties to evaluate their options and seek whatever compensation to which they may be entitled.
Source: Montrose-LaCrescenta Patch, “Overturned Big Rig Crash Snarls 5 Freeway Traffic,” Nicole Charky, Nov. 14, 2012