As one of the largest cities in America, Los Angeles has just as much of a problem when it comes to drunk drivers on the roads as the rest of the country.
But, the traffic in Los Angeles is usually much heavier than it is in in other parts of the country. That may make it more likely that any one of our readers in the greater Los Angeles area could have the unfortunate circumstance of encountering a drunk driver on the road.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the impact of drunk driving is still quite devastating in America, despite law enforcement efforts and public safety awareness campaigns designed to discourage people from getting behind the wheel after they have consumed alcohol.
For example, the NHTSA statistics show that about 30 people per day die in drunk driving collisions in America. That is a shocking statistic, but consider that that statistic is actually approximately 33 percent less than where the rate stood 30 years ago in America.
It seems that more people need to understand exactly how their body may be impaired after consuming alcohol. In short, even a moderate quantity of alcohol is likely to make them worse drivers.
After all, alcohol consumption reduces brain function. People lose muscle coordination, as well as having their ability to reason and think clearly impaired. These losses of function are exacerbated the more alcohol a person drinks.
Each year, hundreds, if not thousands, of Los Angeles residents are impacted by drunk driving. They may suffer injuries, and families may lose a loved one. These victims may have legal options to consider.