If a negligent or reckless driver caused your car accident, you deserve compensation for the injuries and other damages you suffered. However, you first need to make a claim against the at-fault party.
Your actions after the crash can make or break your claim. As such, you need to do everything possible to protect your chances of getting compensated. Below are some helpful tips.
Do not admit fault
Whether or not you think you were in any part to blame for the accident, do not do or say anything that could suggest you were at fault. Making incriminatory statements to the police or insurance agents may come back to haunt you in settlement negotiations, and you may not recover the full amount of your claim.
Seek medical attention
It’s wise to be checked out by a doctor even if you feel fine. Internal injuries are common among crash victims, and you cannot take any chances. In addition, you might need to provide medical proof of the injuries you suffered for settlement purposes. Without a doctor’s report, it may be hard to show that you suffered physical harm from the crash.
Document your accident
If possible, take pictures of the crash, record eyewitness accounts, and document the circumstances that led to your accident. Such information could provide crucial leads when some details about your accident are unclear.
Watch your social media activity
It is advisable to avoid posting anything related to the accident on your social media. Some of your posts could be misunderstood or used against you, thus hurting your claim.
Millions of accidents happen on American roads every year. While no one wishes or plans to be in one, it is crucial to be well prepared for any eventuality. Knowing the pitfalls to avoid and what you need to do after a crash will help ensure you safeguard your interests through the entire settlement process.